Without officials we cannot have tournaments. It is also important for all coaches and athletes to be aware of rules and any changes to the rules.
Karate PEI hosts several training sessions as required.
We support all members who are interested in becoming Provincially certified Officials. In order to hold tournaments in PEI we need to have officials.
Our current Officials committee is working hard to assist interested members to become provincially certified and help them on the path to becoming Nationally certified if desired.
To obtain a provincials license, candidate must be in good standing with Karate PEI; be a blue belt rank or higher; pass the requires tests.
There may be funding available for members that want to challenge to become a National level official. Each year there is a Regional Officials clinic held prior to the Atlantic Karate Championships in which you can test for your National level.
Members that reach this level can also officiate at the National Karate Championships and are eligible for funding for travel expenses.
If you have any questions or concerns about officiating or becoming an official, please contact our head official, Barry Gaudet at bbgaudet@pei.sympatico.ca