

If you have membership questions, concerns, wish to become a member or find your dojo not listed on our website, please contact us.

Membership is due annually by Oct 31st.

Benefits of Membership


All of our members are offered comprehensive and affordable accident and liability insurance. This is a service we are able to offer as part of our partnership with Sport PEI.

Clinic Funding

Each Dojo is eligible to apply for funding to facilitate a clinic on PEI to help offset cost of bringing in an out of province instructor.

Room Allocations

Through our partnership with Sport PEI, we have a set amount of rooms made available to us with Rodd Hotels & Resorts on an annual basis. Each dojo can apply for a room at no cost, provided sufficient rooms are available and if we exceed our annual allowable quota we will review any excess requests depending on budget available.


All members are invited to attend and participate in all events hosted by the association throughout the year.

Dojo Promotion

New or existing dojos will be promoted on our website and social media. We can also help you to send items of interest to the local news media. Any achievements, clinics, etc. that you would like mentioned, please forward them.


Our members are able to use The Royalty Center meeting rooms and have access to AV equipment should you require space for meetings, AGMS, seminars etc.

First Aid

All members are entitled to funding (depending on availability of funds) towards first aid certification.