Karate PEI Annual General Meeting

We would like to announce that the Karate PEI AGM will be held on Saturday, 07 December 2024 at Sport PEI.
The standing meeting agenda for the AGM is as follows:
(a) Roll Call, Credentials;
(b) Minutes of Previous Meeting;
(c) Business Arising from the Minutes;
(d) Presidents Report;
(e) Treasurers Report;
(f) Consideration of Amendments;
(g) Election of Officers and Directors;
(h) New Business;
(i) Adjournment
Please reach out to our current secretary Stephen DeGrace (degrace@gmail.com) if you have anything to add to the agenda.
We will have a few Executive positions to fill at this AGM. The current Executive consists of President (Steve Wong) , two Vice Presidents (Collin Affleck and Sandtanna Beaton), Treasurer (Erick Silva) and Secretary (Stephen DeGrace).