We would like to announce that the Karate PEI AGM will be held on Saturday, 07 December 2024 at Sport PEI.
The standing meeting agenda for the AGM is as follows:
(a) Roll Call, Credentials;
(b) Minutes of Previous Meeting;
(c) Business Arising from the Minutes;
(d) Presidents Report;
(e) Treasurers Report;
(f) Consideration of Amendments;
(g) Election of Officers and Directors;
(h) New Business;
(i) Adjournment
Please reach out to our current secretary Stephen DeGrace (degrace@gmail.com) if you have anything to add to the agenda.
We will have a few Executive positions to fill at this AGM. The current Executive consists of President (Steve Wong) , two Vice Presidents (Collin Affleck and Sandtanna Beaton), Treasurer (Erick Silva) and Secretary (Stephen DeGrace).